Restore your sleep health & balance your body clock

Your body runs on a natural rhythm, influencing everything from digestion and metabolism to hormones and energy levels. When your circadian rhythm is out of sync—due to late nights, erratic meal times, or too much screen time—it can lead to sluggish digestion, blood sugar imbalances, poor sleep, and hormonal fluctuations.

Align with your circadian rhythm

Download the guide to learn the three foundations for better sleep, less stress and more energy.

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    Shaylyn Wright, R.H.N.

    Founder and Nutritionist at VYTA Nutrition + Wellness

    Who am I?

    Hi, I'm Shay!

    I specialize in gut health, hormones, and metabolism. I help women overcome bloating, fatigue, and hormone imbalances using practical, ancestral nutrition. With a personalized, sustainable approach, I make gut health simple and effective for real-life results.

    What will you learn?

    • Three foundations to support the body clock
    • Why meal timing matters
    • How light affects your health